No Pain No Gain!
This is much easier said than done. One of my dreams, Or 1000 of them they all have a different name. Starting with the first one I’ve always wanted to ride my bike across the country camp out and meet new people get back into shape and just enjoy life for a little while. I’ve been saying that to myself now for about 30 years which I’ve wasted of my life because I felt the same thing when I wanted when I was 20. Time goes by so fast. It’s really just a matter of being able to just get up and just go wherever you want to go do whatever you wanna do it’s almost a little bit too much extra time do you know what to do with yourself I’m sitting here on the couch talking to my cell phone to you. It’s really a good feeling to be able to contact yourself in the process of talking to other people. Situations are the way you except them sometimes there’s no control only the best possible hypothesis scenario for that situation so you can take things however you want you could like it or not like it whichever way you want to except things’s that’s the way it is. To say the least I’ve been reading a lot about self motivation and how to feel good and how to make money and everything is a lot easier said than done to put those actions in the practice takes a whole different type of reading to absorb what’s really being said. For years I’ve been trying to master a skill that seems on master of all on different levels of the playing skills that we have discovered on or own. There Are many tricks and formulas and directions and a cell phone that can make magic if you let it but anyway I’m getting off the subject the point is basically all I want to say is act not speak, Find your chi if you know what he or she looks like I’m sure there’s a faint glimpse of memory. You will be happy there , is my advise . 🎸
Rock n Roll.