2 min readMar 4, 2022

Live The Life you Love

Let’s hope that we are doing good things for our neighbors near and far. If we act on our feelings from getting false information that throws the core of our values from sequence. I’ve always wanted to find the chi in life that’s seems so ancient. I’ve been making plans to find myself for who I need to be and crave the chi I’ve been searching for for so long. There’s nothing wrong with what’s going on in the world it is gods will. We can become more aware and change our minds about our future now. I was always aware of the sixth sense or how I felt about some hairy situations and acted in a nanosecond sometimes we just don’t want to make excuses anymore and just execute or ideas immediately in a positive way and this even helps the root of feeling better almost instantly. Nobody know how many days are on or list we can be here in this state of being. Everyone has a choice for everything they like or not. For me to be writing’ what’s in my mind is a huge help for me to get my own ideas out there. So I want to ride my bike up north next month. What would you like to do? Where is your chi at? When will we meet in real life ? You never know who’s reading your stories but. Never underestimate yourself or your opponent always be yourself and say what you want, get your point across of it mean a lot to you. That’s how champions are made,


Written by Ecofriendly

Never give up on something that you believe in!

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